Material Reporting Tool | CAD Serviceburo

Material Reporting Tool

Material Reporting Tool generates lists from Vertex’s exported XML file. This online tool can be used separately from Vertex. With the MRT you can easily create lists with your own filters. There is also an option to link data to your own Excel sheet. This is for calculation purposes. With the MRT you optimize your use of materials and minimize waste.

Manual #1

Basic overview

Manual #2

Data Blocks

Manual #3


Manual #4

User Info

Manual #5


Manual #6

Stock configuration

V_01 Export - XML

First, create the file component.xml.
You can do this from within Vertex BD.

V_02 Login


Holidays 2024

January 1st New Year's Day
April 1st Easter Monday
May 1st Labor Day
May 9th Our Lord Ascension
May 20th Whit Monday
July 21st National Holiday
August 15th Our Lady Ascension
November 1st All Saints
November 11th Armistice
December 25th Christmas